Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My baby MUST have a mole right there!

Can I have my laptop customized?
Can I have my cell phone customized?
Can I have my car customized?
Can I have my BABY customized?

What is a designer baby?
A designer baby refers to a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics. The change in genetic information can be for either medical or cosmetic reasons, depending on the parents of the child.

Have you ever considered what a great opportunity it would be to customize your own child? Would they have green eyes? Brown silky hair? High cheek bones? If only there were gene alternating practices that aloud for this to occur. As surprising as it is, scientists are currently experimenting with genes and the capability of purposely altering a babies genetic information. For the past decade, technology has rapidly evolved. Ten years ago several people were not familiar with iPods, wi-fi, touch screen cellulars, wii, and other gaming devices. Technology in the entertainment district has sky rocketed. Can you imagine the increase in scientific technologies in the medical world? The fact that scientists are now experimenting a method to alter genes in unborn babies is astonishing.

It's true that every human being was created in the image or God. Correct? In changing the physical characteristics of unborn children, are we not turning our back on our beliefs? Some may agree, others will disagree. In my personal opinion, I believe that altering a babies physical characteristics is completely vile and insulting. When was the last time you observed a baby and commented saying, "ew"! I would hope that this had never occurred or even observed. No matter what, babies are always THE cutest things. Their small fingers and tiny toes are seen to be simply irresistible to anyone who is comprised of a heart. Those willing to change the characteristics of their child are simply hardheaded, materialistic and simply 'plastic'. All girls out there will know exactly what I'm talking about (sorry to the boys!) Not many people can resist the desire for wanted materials such as shoes, or clothes, or electronics. Developed countries such as Canada and the United States can be described as being very materialistic. Our keen eyes set out looking for those expensive brand name heels, or that new updated cell phone, or new gaming system. The desire for these materials can be seen to be understandable, yet the desire for changing a babies looks is on an entire different level! In my opinion, we should all live as great leaders such as Ghandi and Buddha once lived, ascetics.

The ability to change an offspring's genes can be seen in having a positive side. The process can be beneficial in terms of investigating illness or diseases that originate in birth. The use of pre-implantation of genetic diagnosis can avoid the possibility of the child having medical disorders such as an attention-deficit disorder or down's syndrome. This will greatly change the learning habits of children and be a positive attribute in society.

"This is cosmetic medicine. Others are frightened by the criticism but we have no problem with it." - Jeff Steinberg ( Fertility Institutes Medical Doctor )

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is a group of fertility treatments that undergo screening of both the sperm and the egg. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common type of assisted reproductive technology. In IVF, the sperm fertilizes the egg outside the body, and doctors implant it into the woman's uterus. This process is used when a couple is infertile and are seeking help to have a baby. Other forms of ART include intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT). In testing the traits that are present in an embryo a pre-implantation genetic screening is used. P.G.S is mainly used to observe whether or not an abnormality in the embryo will be produced due to malfunctions in the genetic information. The possibility of using P.G.S's in the future for cosmetic use is very probable.

Is true beauty not already corrupt as it is? With all the advertisements, degrading videos/pictures of women, plastic surgery, and the list continues. Female teenagers are especially found to be very vulnerable. There are many people are there that would agree that having a child is a miracle. Yet, I have to consider the fact that parents are only wanting the best for their child. Parents want that certain head start for their child in life. So the question is, at what extent are parents willing to consider to achieve this head start. Parents of a child may consider the fact that a cleft iris and large earlobes may be a heretic gene that their offspring will have, and may not want this for their child. Is this an understandable circumstance to undergo medical attention?

With all this said, I must say that the certain technology were are observing is fascinating and intriguing. I do not believe that this technology should be used for cosmetic use. A simple change such as the fact of whether a child is male or female can create a huge change in the world. Some countries such as those in Asia already prefer males instead of females, since males are still seen as being more dominant. Designer babies should only be used in term of medical reasons, which is would clearly benefit society.


-Angela Nisce

-Belinda Papa